Friday 2 August 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #34

--- 1 ---
It's Thursday night and the house is smelling deliciously of home made bread. Just go home from being out with my friends so I am baking bread for my lunch tomorrow. I wanted to bake a brioche bread but I didn't have enough time if I want to get to sleep at a reasonable time. It's already 12:20 so I guess it's actually Friday.

--- 2 ---
Every time I spend a day like I did on Thursday I gain a new respect for working mothers and I see myself as a stay at home mom. Since it was a holiday here I set myself a to do list to catch up on some of my "chores", everything seemed to take forever to get done. I usually spread everything out a little at a time but work has been a little stressful so I've been coming home tired so I've been skipping a few things so I'm behind. How do all these great, brave, wonderful women do it? I don't have kids so I can skip every once in a while.

--- 3 ---
Today is my boss' soon to be ex-boss' last day at work. I have no idea what is going to happen from Monday since we don't have a replacement yet.

--- 4 ---
I'm doing some research on Rosaries and Chaplets for the retreat that my friends and I are planning for the end of September and I feel so overwhelmed. There are alot and so many variations. We are all familiar with the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, these us 58/59 beads so a regular Rosary Chaplet will do but there are those that require 100 beads. It's quite a choice.

--- 5 ---
For The Not Alone Series this week we looked at our favourite resources. There is a good chance I may end up broke there are so many great resources being discussed that I want to get.

--- 6 ---
I've reduced my cable channels and I have survived the first week. It was hard at first, I was missing channels that I didn't even watch to begin with and there were channels that I watched one show once a week but I can catch those in a couple of days. I am trying to get my budget in an even better place so I can save for some items I want to get. I think I'll survive.

--- 7 ---
A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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