Friday 28 June 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #29

--- 1 ---
I am a gardener!!!! I who has previously been unable to keep a plant alive is responsible for a living, flowering, budding squash plant. Responsible in more of a jack and the beanstalk with mother nature's help kind of a way responsible. I just threw the seeds and they grew, my sister is not very happy because I threw them into her garden and squash is a running plant. I didn't even really notice it until last week.
--- 2 ---

After my unintentional prowess at gardening I decided to be intentional about it so I bought some seeds and plant those. I planted on Saturday and Thursday evening after work I saw shoots, I don't know which is which because I didn't mark them (i never said I was a good gardener). I planted another type of squash (I love squash) and some kind of cucumber hybrid that I had never seen before but it looked interesting.

--- 3 ---
Now some pictures of my baby's buds (the one that started it all) and a few of my sister's plants.

--- 4 ---
I had to deal with the cable company this week. Last week Tuesday someone called and said that someone would be out on Monday. On Friday the technician called to say that he was in the area and if it was a good time, I was at work so I said no because I was told Monday. He finally agreed to Monday after he realised that the time I would be available on Friday evening was inconvenient to him.

--- 5 ---
In more greenery and growing things news I am attending a tree planting tomorrow, although I think more than one tree will be planted. It's an event for the one year anniversary of my friends' non-profit, of which I am the unofficial accountant, so far all I offer is advice and direction.

--- 6 ---
On Monday I have to start training a new employee, I am not looking forward to that. The system is not hard but it is difficult and complicated and annoying, you either get it or you don't and many people don't. In addition to training I also have a big project to complete at month end which I want to accomplish without putting in overtime so this person has to get it the first time. I will need all the prayers I can get.
--- 7 ---
A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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