Friday 21 June 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #28

--- 1 ---
The topic for the "Not Alone Series" this week was prayer. I feel like the theme of prayer has permeated my life this week. Yesterday's Gospel reading, a few reflections that I listened to this week, even in the Psalms that I read this week.
--- 2 ---

My friends and I had an interesting messenger chat yesterday on snooping in relationships. I was shocked that some felt it was okay to snoop on a boyfriend (all the ladies involved are single). Personally I wouldn't snoop over trust issues (if I think you already bought my Christmas present yes I will cause I need to know). If we aren't married and we having problems with trust I see two options walk away or talk about it, if I can't do either then trust is not our problem.

--- 3 ---
A few of my friends did say they would not snoop, three of whom are in relationships. Basically their take is if the person you are in a relationship is untrustworthy then you are going to have trust problems, is he worth it. However if the person is trustworthy why do you need to snoop
--- 4 ---
My boss resigned. He actually broke the news last week but I needed these two weeks to wrap my mind around it. He'll still be at work for a while because he has to give two months notice although I don't really foresee his position being filled before he leaves and that is not good.

--- 5 ---
I had to lector at Wednesday Mass, it was a holiday and none of the usuals were there so I was volunteered. Father if there was anyone to read and one of the little old ladies pointed to me and I started looking around to make sure she wasn't pointing at me, then I pointed to myself and looked around again because I obviously missed the person behind me the first time around

--- 6 ---
I think I have run out of things to say, this has been a very blah week and I am missing a party tonight. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

--- 7 ---
A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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