Friday 31 May 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #25

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Yesterday was Corpus Christi, which is a public holiday in Trinidad and Tobago.We are having a super long weekend since today is another holiday, a four day weekend so I am trying to make the best of it. I have a barbecue to attend tonight, I am making potato salad and brownies.
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I decided to attend one of the smaller Corpus Christi Masses and processions instead of the main one with the Archbishop yesterday. One reason their procession is shorter, also it's less crowded, it is much easier to handle a little over 150 as opposed to thousands upon thousands. Many parishes, mine included, do not have a separate Mass, instead you are encouraged to attend the "big one" so the crowd is HUGE.
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As I looked at the kids in their school uniform at Mass yesterday and in front of the procession I remembered when I served my time also used to represent my school for Corpus Christi. We belonged to the Cathedral at that time (both the school and my family) so I have always gone to the main procession, in fact this is the first time I have gone to Corpus Christi Mass at another parish.
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The priest shared with us after the procession that he and the alter servers were approached with questions about the procession and the monstrance and what it represents. There were a lot of people who came out to watch as we passed by praying and singing, there was even one guy taking pictures. Some people stood in there houses, others came out, there were a few older gentlemen who sat lawn chairs outside to watch us pass. The passing traffic was very respectful and patient, they allowed the men to direct them and waited for proper chances to pass.

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In Trinidad Corpus Christi is a rainy day and it did rain yesterday morning but by the time the processions started and for the rest of the day afterwards we had beautiful sunshine. Corpus Christi is also a traditional day for planting, I remember growing up my grandparents planting peas and corn, I don't remember if they dug up or planted cassava (yucca) on that day as well but there were other vegetables but I always remember the corn and peas because they always did well. I remember the tomatoes but they did not always come in plentiful

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I didn't take many pictures of the procession and some of them were blurry, I had asked my friend (whose parish it is) whether they didn't process because so many of these women came wearing heals. I have always worn sneakers so I felt a little under dressed but these women walked in their heals.

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A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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