Thursday, 15 January 2015

Not Alone Series: Looking Ahead to 2015

How are we going to make 2015 different than last year? What goals are you planning/making to be more YOU this year? These can be goals can be personal growth, spiritual life, physical/health, or even your love life! Maybe you don't have concrete ones yet, but it helps to talk them out and get motivated!

My plan this year was to wait on the resolutions, let the high of the holiday season and starting a new year wear off before I fully commit to something that I would have a hard time sticking to.

My main thing is that I want to continue to grow in my Faith. To grow closer to God. To learn to trust Him more. Especially learning to trust Him more. I know this is a struggle for me and I want to continue working on that.

Make my bible my constant companion. I read my bible regularly but when life get busy it can sometimes be the first thing to get put aside. I don't just want to read it either I want to really get into what is there for me to learn, to take away and apply to my life.

More spiritual reading. I started weekly Adoration last year and I want to continue it this year. Remember to seek the intercession of my saint everyday, St Joachim pray for me.

What are your plans to be more you this year? Visit Morgan for the link up and Jen to see what everyone else is planning.

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