Saturday 8 March 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday #57

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I had plans to write this QT when I got home yesterday but I went to Adoration after work, then there was Stations of The Cross, Benediction and a talk plus lots and lots of incense. Incense gives me a headache (#badcatholic) so I came home, vegged out on the couch trying to recover and then just going to bed with no relief.

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I survived Ash Wednesday. Now there are many days that I can get so busy that I forget to eat and doesn't bother me one bit. Even Good Friday (a holiday here) and I am home fasting doesn't bother me but Ash Wednesday is always hard. Maybe it's having to go to work after being home for days or the graces of Lent prepares me for Good Friday but I suck at Ash Wednesday fasting. This year I mused to myself that I am really looking forward to being pregnant and nursing during Lent (after I get married of course) then I can just have three regular meatless meals but no snacks so Ash Wednesday can not be so hard.

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Yesterday, Friday March 7th was exactly 9 months before my birthday, Friday November 7th. It was also a 1st Friday and my birthday will be a 1st Friday. Being the good Catholic girl that I am (most of the time) my mind started seeing possibilities, so I will be praying a 1st Friday Novena during these months. I started yesterday and will end on my birthday. I already go to Mass and Adoration on 1st Fridays and Confession the day before of after so this is my gift to myself.

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On Thursday everything that could go wrong at work did and then some. I was really losing it and then a friend called, she called me for a reason that we never even got into. She knew something was wrong almost immediately and ended up talking me down and encouraging me. She said this is Lent, the devil is extra busy and annoyed, she advised me to pray a Hail Mary whenever I felt myself losing it or someone getting to me and that she was praying. She said some other things and it really helped me. #catholicfriendsforthewin. Of course we never got around to what she needed, so I'm not as great a friend,

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The Not Alone Series this week we shared bachelorette party ideas. There are some really great, raunch free ideas.  Come check out the link up.

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A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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