How do you travel as a single lady?! Any tips or tricks you'd like to share? Do you have anything fun planned for this year?
I love to travel. I don't travel that much but when I do I usually travel alone. My first trip alone was a trip I planned with my sister but she had to cancel at last minute and I decided to go anyway. Fell in love with solo travel and have been doing it for the last few years.
I've taken a cruise, been to Mexico, Jamaica, been to the US a few times.
Travel with someone is great because you have someone to watch your stuff while you go to the bathroom in the airport, someone to take your picture while you grin like an idiot in front of some monument or the other and keep you company during long layovers.
Travel on your own is also great because you do what you want to do especially if your friends and family are not into the same thing your are. You aren't tied to someone else's schedule, my sister had to cancel our trip because of her job.
Now for the tips
Know where you are going - Do a little bit of research whether you are planning way in advance or a last minute trip get a little lay of the land so to speak. Get to know your public transport options if you are not going to be driving. Get an idea of where the places you are likely to visit are in relation to where you are staying and how to get there easily - church, pharmacy, bank, restaurants.
Write down directions - We all use google maps, waze and the like but technology can fail. I have a terrible sense of direction so I like to write down my direction or key words just in case. I once walked at least five blocks in the wrong direction because I entered the wrong address
Keep in touch - You may be on vacation, getting away from it all but it's a good idea to stay in touch just a little so your loved ones know you are okay. Call someone when you land at your destination and probably just before you head home. Post a picture or send one in a message.
Do not keep all your cash together - I keep a money tube around my neck, under my clothes when I travel. It's plastic and water resistant. I don't use it unless necessary because it's for emergencies or as we say in Trinidad "vex money".
Have fun - Even as you stay say safe, try not to get lost or robbed remember to enjoy your travels. Try new foods, do the tourist thing or go the native route. Do as much as you can without driving yourself crazy trying do it all. Take lots of pictures but also make memories that you don't need instagram to remember
I don't have any trips planned right now but I have hopes. My cruise was planned in less than two months while most people plan cruises 6 months to a year in advance so I am not above being a little spontaneous. I would LOVE to go to Philadelphia for Pope Francis' visit. There is an annual youth and young adult ministers conference that I missed out on last but would love to attend this year in December. I have a friend living in St Maarten who I haven't seen in a couple of years who I recently reconnected with on facebook, it's regional and I'll have somewhere to stay. If I just happen to win a million dollars I'll be headed to Australia my ultimate travel destination, it doesn't have to be the whole million enough to cover an amazing two weeks should be enough, maybe a month.
Has the travel bug bitten you? How do you travel? Where would you like to travel to? Leave a comment. Don't forget to visit Morgan for the link-up to see what everyone else is saying.