Tuesday 11 February 2014

Not Alone Series: If Only

If only I knew then what I know now...
What would you tell your former self about being single if given the chance? What have you learned that you wish you could tell your younger self?

Dear 15 year old,

It's okay that you're not interested in boys yet, there is nothing wrong with you. Take your time, enjoy them as friends it will be very helpful to you in the future.

Dear 16 year old,

Everything will happen in time, be patient. You are beautiful, don't ever forget that. If some guy doesn't like you for who you are then he probably is the guy for you, no mater how sweet, cute, popular or smart.

Dear 18 year old,

Being single is not a fatal disease. Never being kissed isn't so bad either because you don't really want to be kissing a whole lot of frogs just the right prince. Your standards are not to high, in fact you can probably raise them just a little. Yes you are that special.

Dear 19 year old,

If you give a guy your number and he doesn't call you, a chance meeting two weeks later is not fate. If you can't see yourself marrying a guy then you probably shouldn't date that guy.

Dear 21 year old,

Being single is not a fatal disease. If you're not the kind of girl he dates then he's probably not the kind of guy you'll marry and that's okay.

Dear 22 year old and beyond,

Trust God. Be patient. Build those friendship, real friendships with girls who will walk before you up the isle or cry with you from a pew. Live your life, the guy for you will probably meet you in the everyday you don't have to stop and wait for him. You standards are not to high. No you do not expect to much of people. Yes there is a guy out there who is like that.

There are so many things I doubted, questioned or let other people influence or try to influence over the years. What are some things you wish you could tell your younger self.

Visit Jen and Morgan for the link up.

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