Sunday 9 December 2012

Preparing Heart and Home for Christmas

Advent is a season of hope, anticipation and preparation for Christmas. I love all the fuss that goes on around this time of the year. I look forward to what new, annoying thing that Elmo will be able to do, to see what else a toy car can accomplish and how they can re-invent some of my favourite board games.
sourceI will try to accomplish it all in the kitchen, yes I have to do the turkey and all the trimming plus more. My birthday takes months of planning and I go all out with the food and preparations, so why should I do any less for Jesus.

But more than going all out, I also need to go all in. Put the same effort that you are putting into your house, decorations, menu and parties into your soul and your relationship with Jesus.

Cleaning your house from top to bottom. Do the same for your soul, get to confession this Advent. Just as you want you house to look good when guests come over why not make sure that you are looking good for the Lord.

Making plans to get together with friends this season. How about getting together with Jesus, sure you go to Mass every weekend, try going to a Daily Mass a couple times or even once. Daily Masses are shorter only half and hour and you can take one of those friends with you.

Spending days perfecting that Christmas menu and finding the right gift. Spend a little time thinking about those who won't have anything to eat Christmas Day, the day before and the day after. Food drives and toy drives are in abundance this time of year. One of my local supermarkets has a bin in front right near the cashiers for customers to put in can and bottle items, buy one for yourself and one for someone less fortunate, don't even have to go out of your way. source    The radio stations run their own food and toy drives, the Salvation Army's Santa is everywhere, most checkout counters have a few donation tins lined out.. Find out what's near you, do what you can even if it's just dropping some spare change into Santa's kettle or a donation tin.

These are just a few suggestions but there is so much more that can be done, go all out and all in for this Advent and Christmas Season.


  1. Giving to other is such an important part of any Holy Day isn't it? When we started planning on celebrating more feast days and telling friends about it they were surprised at how many were going to be celebrated simply by an act of charity! We're going to do an angel tree, probably a food pantry or animal shelter donation and we have a day reserved for a special family dinner out that we'll leave a generous tip at the end of. =)

    1. Tis the season for giving but some people only think of giving to friends and family. There are so many without or with very little that when we can, even just a small way we should. Generous tip sounds good, I always make sure to tip the trolley boys well for taking my groceries to the car, I don't eat out much.

  2. I love the idea of going 'all in' and not just 'all out' :) So many great ideas and thoughts! Thank you for linking this up to Little HolyDays. I think everyone could use this reminder at this time of year!


    1. Thank you for your comment. I love this link up, the posts are great with really good ideas at least for next year for those that I can't do this year or wonderful thoughts to ponder.
