Friday 22 November 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #50

--- 1 ---
My week started on Monday with my car not starting only to find out my battery is dead. Not good news especially since I do not need an unexpected expense right now. Then came the good news, the warranty on the battery was still good for 5 more days (5 extremely beautiful days) so I got a brand new battery absolutely free. God is so good. I was so grateful and happy I just went around singing His praises to everyone who wanted (or didn't want) to listen to my battery story.

--- 2 ---
Saturday I spent some time with a friend who was visiting Trinidad with her husband and 11 month old baby daughter. Her daughter is totally adorable, she wasn't too sure about me when I first walked in but she warmed up to me soon enough. Running all around me, climbing in my lap, she loved hugs and cuddles except

--- 3 ---
On Tuesday Cindy over at the veil of chastity wrote about a Sacramental Life in Christ, then on Wednesday Haille over at Moxie Wife posted as on her 5 Faves 50 Ways to Talk to God, while just Monday I was thinking about what I want to do during Advent to strengthen my Faith life and here I was gifted with two great resources to glean from. Thank God for these two wonderful women and their timely posts.

--- 4 ---
Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King, our Liturgical Year as well as the Year of Faith will be at an end. I always say this a lot coming to the close of every year but this year flew by. I was kept so busy with conferences, retreats, blogging, having social life and other commitments that I had very few moments to sit, be bored or complain that time is moving to slowly.

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For The Not Alone Series this week we shared our tips for surviving the holidays.Some really great tips were shared but also Jen and Morgan had a great surprise announcement for us. Check it out!!!!!
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Next week I hope to have a few posts up including one about my plans for Advent. My blogiversary is also right around the corner so I also want to write a post about that. I really want to post more for Advent.

--- 7 ---
A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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