Friday 26 July 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #33

--- 1 ---
I am participating in Jen's 7 posts in 7 days, it's day 5 and this is only my 2nd link-up. I have been in kind of a rut lately feeling crushed by work and my other activities so this has really opened me up. I am also learning how I write best and what really works for me. This has been a really great challenge for me.

--- 2 ---
With this 7 posts in 7 days I am also discovering some blogs that I have never read before and caught up on some that I don't read regularly but have read before. There are some really funny and interesting and a host of other great adjective-y bloggers out there. There are a few that will join my regular rotation.

--- 3 ---
This weekend I attended a conference that was so great and so filled with the Holy Spirit and vibrant Catholics. SO many kids of all ages especially teenagers who were happy to be there. Closing Mass was celebrated by Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Nicola Girasoli, he is so friendly and he delivered a great and moving homily.

Yes he did change, it was his birthday and we got him a birthday present that he couldn't wait to try on

--- 4 ---
To attend the conference I had to stay over at a friend's home so I had a wonderful weekend sleepover with three other friends. I slept on an air mattress for the first time. It was surprising comfortable and I slept great all weekend.

--- 5 ---
For The Not Alone Series this week we looked at "Can guys and girls be just friends". There were differing opinions and reasoning so check it out.

--- 6 ---
I have been semi-incharge at work this week and I do not like it. I can barely sit back down at my desk before someone else needs something. I come home and all I want to do is sleep but I can't do that because of course there are things that I need to get done at home. Quick whine over.

--- 7 ---
A song to end the week.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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