Friday 22 March 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday #16

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Saturday I visited my friend who had a baby a few weeks ago, he is so tiny but so alert. His uncle passed by while I was hold him and his whole body moved so he could take a look, a very good thing I was holding him well. He is a very smiley baby.
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Sunday evening my DSL went down, although I didn't realize until Monday morning so I called the phone company and they said something about a dropped line, blah, blah, blah and that a technician would contact me in 2 to 5 days to arrange repair. Now I have 4G on my phone but I had used up a bunch of my data allowance watching the Conclave and election of Pope Francis (do not regret it) and the Inauguration Mass was the next day, I was willing to take the chance that wi-fi and DSL would be fixed in time but then I thought better about it and prayed about it. Monday evening when I got home everything was back up.

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Tuesday morning I got up and watched the Inauguration Mass of Pope Francis on my phone via the wi-fi. Now don't go thinking I'm some kind of saint for getting up that early (I'm on EST), I usually I am up at 4:08 (yes I set my alarm at a strange time) so that I can take 2 minutes to wake up before my first rising at 4:10. I snuggle with my phone in bed watching  the coverage on my EWTN app for a while and then I got mobile as I got ready for the day (I go to Mass at 6:30 hence the early rising and straight to work after).
--- 4 ---
Wednesday I got locked out of my office after the lock broke (no idea how that happened) so I hung out in another office for a while and discovered they get free wi-fi (internet access seems to be my theme this week). We had to get the locked changed so now I have yet another key on my key chain.
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I have decided I will be going to all the Tridiuum Masses this year. I have never done all, I've been to Holy Thursday a couple times, I usually attend Good Friday and I have never been to the Saturday Vigil. Thursday will be the hardest because I will be going directly from work, Good Friday is a holiday here so that has never been a problem. Saturday I have always dreaded because it's so long but I'm actually looking forward to it. My great-grandmother always went when I was a teenager and talked a little bit about it so I hope I'm not to lost. Finally on Easter Sunday I have my friend's son's Baptism to attend.
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I'm contemplating going leaven free on Holy Thursday, I attended a Catholic primary school and I remember when I was 8 my teacher made us a Passover Meal, unleavened bread, water cress, lamb (my first time eating lamb). I loved it, she talked to us about the why's and therefore's leading up to the day and on the day. It made quite an impression on me but I haven't thought about it in a long time but I have been thinking about it lately and now I'm thinking about trying to recreate some parts of it (I can't wait to have kids and so some of these things with them). I have googled some unleavened bread recipes but most of them are for large batches so I'm still thinking that one out.
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A song to end the week.


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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